# a program for python using accessible-output2 to speak and get user input. #Developer: Cerulean Blue Software. # a function for accessible-output2 designed to speak aloud text. import accessible_output2.outputs.auto def talk(msg): o = accessible_output2.outputs.auto.Auto() o.output(msg) print(msg) #a function to get user input using our custom talk function. def ask(msg): talk(msg) answer = input(msg) return answer talk("Helo World! I am speaking aloud!") name = ask("What is your name?") talk("Hello "+name+", It is nice to finally speak to you!") ask("Press Enter to exit") # a function for accessible-output2 designed to speak aloud text. import accessible_output2.outputs.auto def talk(msg): o = accessible_output2.outputs.auto.Auto() o.output(msg) print(msg) #a function to get user input using our custom talk function. def ask(msg): talk(msg) answer = input(msg) return answer talk("Helo World! I am speaking aloud!") name = ask("What is your name?") talk("Hello "+name+", It is nice to finally speak to you!") ask("Press Enter to exit")