General Data Protection Regulation Statement

Last Updated: May 27, 2021

Our website records the following information when visited by users:
IP Address: Which is needed to deliver website content to your browser. these data is deleted when the user closes their browser.

In addition to your IP Address, our site also uses Google Forms as a means of communication between Cerulean Blue Software, CBS and it's users. The nature of this information may vary depending on the situation. Some examples of the data collected on our Google Forms may include, but are not limited to:
email Addresses: Which are used for the sole purposes of communication and only for the purpose(s) for which the email address was supplied.
A name or alias: We need to call you something. We only use the name or alias you provide for the purposes of communication.

Once the purpose of the communication between CBS and a user is concluded, all names and e-mail addresses are deleted from our records.

Additionally, we may collect information we feel is needed to resolve issues you may experience while using our website or software. These data may include; the type of Operating system you are using and which assistive technologies you use. upon the resolution of your issue, this information is deleted from our records.

You, the user have the right to request CBS remove any of your personal data from our systems at any time. All requests must be submitted in writing and sent to or by using the contact form which may be found here.

We shall take immediate action to act upon your request, except where prohibited by law. Please see our terms of service for more information.

All data collected by Google Forms are supplied by the user at the time they fill out the form. We do not collect email addresses, names, aliases or system related information automatically. Use of Google Forms are subject to Google's terms and conditions.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Feel free to reach out! We can be reached by email at or by using our Contact form.